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DarkSUSY tutorial @ ISAPP, 2021-06-23


Please make sure to follow these instructions before the tutorial, such that we can get started right away.

Presentation part [links that are not active yet will be updated during the tutorial]


Extended Getting started guide, including problems I and II.

Solutions to problems I and II (+ fortran code).

Material from breakout rooms [links that are not active yet will be updated after the tutorial]

Slides with problems for the relic density (standard) breakout room (suggested solutions).

Slides with problems for the relic density (non-standard) breakout room.

Slides with problems for the yields and spectra breakout room (suggested solutions).

Slides with problems for the J-factors breakout room (suggested solution).

Slides with problems for the neutrino breakout room (including solution hints).

Code examples used in the various solutions above.

Torsten Bringmann, 2021-06-18