program ScalarSinglet_RD c c This program is an example DarkSUSY main program to calculate the c relic density and kinetic freeze-out temperature for the Scalar c Singlet model. c c Author: Torsten Bringmann, 2018-05-26 c c-----This line is 72 columns long-------------------------------------- c implicit none real*8 oh2,xf ! relic density real*8 tkd,mcut, mcut2 ! kinetic decoupling real*8 inputmass, inputlambda ! model parameters real*8 mmin, mmax, oh2goal, doh2goal ! scan real*8 logdeltam, logdeltamres, stepsize real*8 tstart,tfinish ! aux integer iprint, ierr,iwarn,nfc ccc functions real*8 dsrdomega, dskdmcut, dskdtkd ccc output files character*80 outfile(2) c Here we include the file dsparticles.h which contains common block c definitions for particle codes and masses, widths, dof etc. include 'dsparticles.h' include 'dssm.h' include 'dsidtag.h' include 'dskdcom.h' call CPU_TIME(tstart) call dsinit write (*,*) '-------------------------------------------------------' write (*,*) c... fix outpu file names outfile(1)='ScalarSinglet_RD_acc.dat' inputmass=60.0 inputlambda=0.000667162 c... enter model parameters and initialize model call dsgivemodel_silveira_zee(inputlambda,inputmass) call dsmodelsetup(ierr,iwarn) write (*, *) 'Scalar Singlet model initialized with mS [GeV], lambda = ', & inputmass, inputlambda c... check that there are no issues with the values of the input parameters if ( then write (*,*) 'Errorflags ierr, iwarn = ', ierr, iwarn write (*,*) 'Aborting program...' goto 500 endif c... calculate relic density c oh2=dsrdomega(0,1,xf,ierr,iwarn,nfc) oh2=dsrdomega(0,0,xf,ierr,iwarn,nfc) write(*,*) write(*,*) ' Relic density: Oh2 = ',oh2,ierr,iwarn write(*,*) ' Chemical decoupling at: T_f = ',mass(kdm)/xf,' GeV.' c... calculate kinetic decoupling, and the smallest halo size tkd=dskdtkd(1) ! 1=full calculation mcut=dskdmcut(mass(kdm),tkd,1) ! 1 = true cut-off write(*,*) write(*,*) ' Cutoff mass: M_cut/M_sun = ',mcut write(*,*) ' Kinetic decoupling at: Tkd = ',tkd, ' MeV' write(*,*) c... scan setup mmin = 10.0d0 ! GeV mmax = 1000.0d0 logdeltam = 0.07 ! log(10)-spacing between masses to tabulate logdeltamres = 0.005 ! same, in resonance region oh2goal = 0.112 ! required relic density doh2goal = 1.d-4 ! allowed error in oh2. ! NB: needs to be rather small for smooth lambda(mS) ! inputlambda = 0.1 ! start value at mmin write(*,*) write(*,50) mmin, mmax 50 format('Now scanning over all DM masses from ',F6.1,' GeV to ',F6.1,' GeV.') write(*,*) 'Calculating lambda and Mcut for correct relic density,' & //' please wait...' open (unit=10,file=outfile(1)) write(10,*) 'mS [GeV] | lambda | Tkd [MeV] (default) | ' & //'Mcut (default) | Mcut (only light quarks)' write(10,*) '-----------+-----------+-------------------------+--' & //'-------------------+----------------------------' write(10,*) inputmass = mmin iprint = 0 c... here we start the main loop over all DM masses 90 continue stepsize = 2.d0 ! inital stepsize for lambda c... init model and calculate RD 100 call dsgivemodel_silveira_zee(inputlambda,inputmass) call dsmodelsetup(ierr,iwarn) if ( then c write (*, *) 'mS [GeV], lambda = ', inputmass, inputlambda c write (*,*) 'Errorflags ierr, iwarn = ', ierr, iwarn c write (*,*) 'Aborting program...' c goto 500 endif c oh2=dsrdomega(0,1,xf,ierr,iwarn,nfc) oh2=dsrdomega(0,0,xf,ierr,iwarn,nfc) c... change stepsize adaptively if accuracy goal is not yet met if (abs(oh2-oh2goal).gt.doh2goal) then if ( then if ( stepsize=1/stepsize**0.85 else if ( stepsize=1/stepsize**0.85 endif if (abs(1.d0-stepsize).lt.1.d-6) then write(*,*) 'Did not manage to find lambda for mS =', inputmass write(*,*) '[continue with next mass]' c read(*,*) inputlambda=0.1 goto 200 endif inputlambda=inputlambda*stepsize goto 100 ! re-calculate RD with new value of lambda endif c write(*,*) 'TEST : ',inputmass,inputlambda,stepsize,oh2 iprint = iprint + 1 if ( then write(*,*) 'Tabulated lambda up to mS =', inputmass iprint=0 endif c... now calculate kinetic decoupling for this value of lambda quark_how=2 ! only light quarks above 4*154 MeV tkd=dskdtkd(1) mcut2=dskdmcut(mass(kdm),tkd,1) quark_how=1 ! default tkd=dskdtkd(1) mcut=dskdmcut(mass(kdm),tkd,1) write(10,*) inputmass, inputlambda, tkd, mcut, mcut2 200 continue if ( goto 300 if ( then inputmass = inputmass*10**logdeltam else ! need better resolution inputmass = inputmass*10**logdeltamres endif goto 90 ! loop over DM masses 300 write(*,*) write(*,*) 'Done: results written to ', & outfile(1)(1:index(outfile(1),' ')-1), '.' 500 close(10) call CPU_TIME(tfinish) write (*,*) write (*,*) '-------------------------------------------------------' write (*,*) 'The DarkSUSY example program has finished successfully.' write (*,*) 'Total time needed (in seconds): ',tfinish-tstart write (*,*) 'Particle module that was used: ', moduletag write (*,*) '-------------------------------------------------------' write (*,*) stop end