
Below you will find the full current release of DarkSUSY, as well as older versions
of the code. Instead, you can also access the (released) code directly via
the hepforge repository.
Current version
- Current version: darksusy-6.4.1.tgz
- News: Various minor updates and improvements in code and build system.
- Release date: August 26, 2024
- Tested on: Mac OS X (Sonoma on Apple Silicon M1) with gfortran 11 & 14,
and Ubuntu 20.04 with gfortran 7, 11 & 13.
- System requirements: You need to have approximately 2.5 GB of hard
disk space. The download itself is about 460 MB. Perl is required for
make to proceed properly. Further required packages (for contributed code to compile): cmake, curl + libcurl, aclocal, autoconf, automake.
Previous versions
- Previous version: darksusy-6.4.0.tgz
- News: Major updates in relic density routines, including support for asymmetric dark matter as well as improvements in speed and accuracy. Updated treatment of cosmic-ray induced DM fluxes (as in 2209.03360). Various further improvements (neutrino oscillations, yield routines, QCD corrections).
- Release date: December 9, 2022
- Tested on: Mac OS X (Ventura on Apple Silicon M1) with gfortran 12,
and Ubuntu 20.04 with gfortran 9-12.
- System requirements: You need to have approximately 2.7 GB of hard
disk space. The download itself is about 480 MB. Perl is required for
make to proceed properly. Further required packages (for contributed code to compile): cmake, curl + libcurl, aclocal, autoconf, automake.
- Previous version: darksusy-6.3.1.tgz
- News: New yield tables based on Pythia8 runs. Further alternative yield tables (from 2007.15001 and 2202.11546). Improvements in build system.
- Release date: March 19, 2022
- Tested on: Mac OS X (Monterey on Apple Silicon M1) with gfortran 11,
and Ubuntu 20.04 with gfortran 7.5.0, 9.4.0 and 10.3.0.
- System requirements: You need to have approximately 2.5 GB of hard
disk space. The download itself is about 470 MB. Perl is required for
make to proceed properly. Further required packages (for contributed code to compile): cmake, curl + libcurl, aclocal, autoconf, automake.
- Previous version: darksusy-6.3.0.tgz
- News: Relic density calculations via freeze-in, including
quantum statistics and other finite-temperature effects (2111.14871). New particle physics module 'generic_FIMP'. Hadronic Higgs decay widths.
- Release date: December 3, 2021
- Tested on: Mac OS X (Mojave) and Ubuntu 20.04 with gfortran 7.3.0, 9.3.0 and 10.2.0.
- System requirements: You need to have approximately 1.5 GB of hard
disk space. The download itself is about 320 MB. Perl is required for
make to proceed properly. Further required packages (for contributed code to compile): cmake, curl + libcurl, aclocal, autoconf, automake.
- Previous version: darksusy-6.2.6.tgz
- News: Improved make system (including additional target 'darksusy_light' for compilation without any contributed code). Various minor updates (e.g. new function dsrdHubble to allow implementation of modified expansion histories).
- Release date: August 9, 2021
- Tested on: Mac OS X (Mojave) and Ubuntu 20.04 with gfortran 7.3.0, 9.3.0 and 10.2.0.
- System requirements: You need to have approximately 2 GB of hard
disk space. The download itself is about 340 MB. Perl is required for
make to proceed properly. Further required packages (for contributed code to compile): cmake, curl + libcurl, aclocal, autoconf, automake.
- Previous version: darksusy-6.2.5.tgz
- News: Support for relic density calculations beyond the standard kinetic equilibrium assumption (based on coupled Boltzmann equations, see 2103.01944 for further discussion)
- Release date: March 10, 2021
- Tested on: Mac OS X (Mojave) and Ubuntu 20.04 with gfortran 7.3.0, 9.3.0 and 10.2.0.
- System requirements: You need to have approximately 2 GB of hard
disk space. The download itself is about 340 MB. Perl is required for
make to proceed properly. Further required packages (for contributed code to compile): cmake, curl + libcurl, aclocal, autoconf, automake.
- Previous version: darksusy-6.2.4.tgz
- News: Added support for gfortran 9 and 10, updates in ScalarSinglet module, updated all contributed codes to most recent versions (cfits 3.49, feynhiggs 2.17, healpix 3.70, higgsbounds 5.9.0, higgssignals 2.5.1, isajet 788, superiso 4.1)
- Release date: January 30, 2021
- Tested on: Mac OS X (Mojave) and Ubuntu 20.04 with gfortran 7.3.0, 9.3.0 and 10.2.0.
- System requirements: You need to have approximately 2 GB of hard
disk space. The download itself is about 320 MB. Perl is required for
make to proceed properly. Further required packages (for contributed code to compile): cmake, curl + libcurl, aclocal, autoconf, automake.
- Previous version: darksusy-6.2.3.tgz
- News: Full support for generic dark sector relic density calculations (as in 2007.03696), alternative yield tables to DS default (from 1812.07424 and 1911.11147), various minor bug fixes and improvements.
- Release date: October 31, 2020
- Tested on: Mac OS X (Mojave) with gfortran
7.5.0, Red Hat Linux 7.9 with gfortran 7.3.1.
- System requirements: You need to have approximately 1 GB of hard
disk space. The download itself is about 250 MB. Perl is required for the
make to proceed properly. autoconf is required if you want to use the scripts to create new particle physics modules.
- Previous version: darksusy-6.2.2.tgz
- News: New adaptive way of solving Boltzmann equation for relic density,
full q2-dependence also for soil-absorption of CRDM (as in 1909.08632),
larger range of models included in dstest.
- Release date: December 14, 2019
- Tested on: Mac OS X (Mojave) with gfortran
7.4.0, Red Hat Linux 7.6 with gfortran 4.8.5.
- System requirements: You need to have approximately 1 GB of hard
disk space. The download itself is about 250 MB. Perl is required for the
make to proceed properly. autoconf is required if you want to use the scripts to create new particle physics modules.
- Previous version: darksusy-6.2.1.tgz
- News: Various improvements in MSSM module (consistent treatment of widths
from SLHA files, flavour-ordering of sfermions in different schemes), cosmic-ray
induced DM fluxes (numerical stability, momentum-dependent scattering) and other minor updates.
- Release date: June 2, 2019
- Tested on: Mac OS X (Mojave) with gfortran
7.4.0, Red Hat Linux 7.6 with gfortran 4.8.5.
- System requirements: You need to have approximately 1 GB of hard
disk space. The download itself is about 250 MB. Perl is required for the
make to proceed properly. autoconf is required if you want to use the scripts to create new particle physics modules.
- Previous version: darksusy-6.2.0.tar.gz
- News: Direct detection routines for cosmic-ray induced dark matter flux (1810.10543),
enhanced direct detection capabilities of generic_WIMP module, various new example programs
(e.g. for an improved line-of-sight integration based on HEALPIX) and other minor updates.
- Release date: February 16, 2019
- Tested on: Mac OS X (Mojave) with gfortran
7.4.0, Red Hat Linux 7.6 with gfortran 4.8.5.
- System requirements: You need to have approximately 1 GB of hard
disk space. The download itself is about 250 MB. Perl is required for the
make to proceed properly. autoconf is required if you want to use the scripts to create new particle physics modules.
- Previous version: darksusy-6.1.1.tar.gz
- News: Various improvements, you can e.g. now compile DarkSUSY as a shared library.
- Release date: September 19, 2018
- Tested on: Mac OS X (Sierra and High Sierra) with gfortran
6.2.0 and 6.4.0, Ubuntu 17 Linux with gfortran 7.2.0.
- System requirements: You need to have approximately 1 GB of hard
disk space. The download itself is about 250 MB. Perl is required for the
make to proceed properly. autoconf is required if you want to use the scripts to create new particle physics modules.
- Previous version: darksusy-6.1.0.tar.gz
- News: Various improvements, e.g. you can now have different temperatures of the dark matter and the background at freeze-out. A new particle physics module, the velocity dependent self interacting dark matter model (vdSIDM) is added.
- Release date: June 13, 2018
- Tested on: Mac OS X (Sierra and High Sierra) with gfortran
6.2.0 and 6.4.0, Ubuntu 17 Linux with gfortran 7.2.0.
- System requirements: You need to have approximately 1 GB of hard
disk space. The download itself is about 250 MB. Perl is required for the
make to proceed properly. autoconf is required if you want to use the scripts to create new particle physics modules.
- Previous version: darksusy-6.0.1.tar.gz
- News: Updates to relic density routines (more options for faster calculations and other updates) and updates to SLHA reader.
- Release date: May 1, 2018
- Tested on: Mac OS X (Sierra and High Sierra) with gfortran
6.2.0 and 6.4.0, Ubuntu 17 Linux with gfortran 7.2.0.
- System requirements: You need to have approximately 1 GB of hard
disk space. The download itself is about 250 MB. Perl is required for the
make to proceed properly. autoconf is required if you want to use the scripts to create new particle physics modules.
- Previous version: darksusy-6.0.0.tar.gz
- News: Finally, DarkSUSY 6 has arrived with a completely new structure and the possibility to add new particle physics modules!
- Release date: February 13, 2018
- Tested on: Mac OS X (Sierra and High Sierra) with gfortran
6.2.0 and 6.4.0, Ubuntu 17 Linux with gfortran 7.2.0.
- System requirements: You need to have approximately 1 GB of hard
disk space. The download itself is about 250 MB. Perl is required for the
make to proceed properly. autoconf is required if you want to use the scripts to create new particle physics modules.
- Previous version: darksusy-5.1.3.tar.gz
- News: Added routines for new IceCube likelihoods
- Release date: December 22, 2015
- Tested on: Linux / Mac OS X with gfortran (version 4.2 or later required) or ifort. Note: g77 support is dropped.
- System requirements: You need to have approximately 400 MB of hard
disk space. The download itself is about 100 MB. Perl is required for the
make to proceed properly.