
Here we showcase some selected physics applications that illustrate
results you can obtain with DarkSUSY. Many of those are based on example programs
located in exampels/aux. Have you obtained interesting results with DarkSUSY
that you want us to advertise here? Let us know!
Thermal annihilation cross section
Thermally averaged annihilation rate during freeze-out that is
needed to obtain the observed dark matter relic density. Often
used for benchmarking purposes, in particular in the context of
indirect searches for dark matter. The inset shows the impact of
a hard kinematic cutoff for two-body annihilation vs. allowing
for off-shell final states.
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- Journal Ref
JCAP 1807 (2018) 033
Freeze-in calculations
Higgs-portal coupling of a Scalar Singlet particle that is needed to
produce the observed dark matter relic density through freeze-in.
As demonstrated, quantum statistics affect the relic density more
than the observational accuracy of about 1%.
The same is true for finite-temperature effects induced by thermal
masses and the electroweak phase transition.
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- Journal Ref
JHEP 02 (2022) 110
Cosmic-ray accelerated dark matter
Cosmic rays necessarily accelerate a subdominant part of the Galactic dark matter population to relativistic velocities. This allows conventional direct detection experiments (but also neutrino detectors) to probe otherwise inaccessible sub-GeV dark matter masses. This specific plot assumes a constant spin-independent scattering rate; the same example program can be used for scattering rates with arbitrary dependence on energy and/or momentum transfer.
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- Journal Ref
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122 (2019) 171801
JHEP 03 (2020) 118
Particle yields with U(1), SU(2) and SU(3) corrections
A crucial input for indirect dark matter searches is the particle yield resulting from dark matter decay or annihilation. Radiative corrections can lead to significant modifications of the results from event generators based on tree-level rates. For the MSSM module, all leading correctiosn are fully implemented, stemming from final states with a fermion pair and an additional photon, gluon, electroweak gauge boson or Higgs boson.
- Journal Ref
JHEP 09 (2017) 041
[arXiv:1705.03466 ]
Self-interactions and late kinetic decoupling
A simple dark sector model with a scalar mediator, where the coupling is fixed by the relic density for the purpose of this plot (taking into account Sommerfeld-enhanced dark matter annihilation into mediator pairs). The blue band indicates the resulting dark matter self-interaction strength in dwarf galaxies, while the green band shows the cutoff mass in the matter power spectrum due to late kinetic decoupling.
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- Journal Ref
JCAP 1807 (2018) 033
Kinetic decoupling in the MSSM
Neutralino dark matter kinetically decouples much earlier than the dark sector example above. The resulting cutoff in the power spectrum (aka the smallest protohalo mass) is strongly model-dependent and spans about 8 orders of magnitude.
- Journal Ref
New J. Phys. 11 (2009) 105027
Dark sector relic density
Thermally averaged annihilation rate for dark matter freeze-out
in a secluded dark sector, fully taking into account the evolution
of the temperature ratio between the two sectors. This specific plot
assumes a constant thermally averaged annihilation rate (with
gS indicating additional dark sector degrees of freedom).
The same example program can be used for arbitrary dark sector models
featuring 2→2 annihilations.
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Phys.Lett.B 817 (2021) 136341
Asymmetric dark matter
Thermally averaged annihilation rate during freeze-out that is
needed to obtain the observed dark matter relic density in the
presence of a primordial dark matter asymmetry. The various curves
correspond to different dark matter asymmetries stated in units of
the asymmetry ηasym that would explain the cosmologically
observed abundance exclusively in terms of dark matter particles (and no
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Freeze-out beyond kinetic equilibrium
Dark matter annihilation via an s-channel resonance is one of the
examples where the usual Boltzmann equation
may be incorrect because kinetic equilibrium is not
maintained during the entire freeze-out process. The plot illustrates
the size of this effect for the Scalar Singlet model.
(The couplings are here chosen as indicated in the
bottom panel; for the standard - in this case incorrect -
calculation this would result in a relic density matching the measured one).
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- Journal Ref
Phys. Rev. D 96 (2017) 11
Eur.Phys.J.C 81 (2021) 577 [arXiv:2103.01944]